I am writing to register my complaint against the lack of student security during the trip to the museum held on [date]. My daughter [name] who is a student in grade eight was on that trip. Our first complaint is against the way the bus drivers who were hired to take the students from the school to the museum, drove. Their reckless driving put the children at risk. The fact that even the teachers accompanying the students did not intervene in any way despite the student’s complaints is really upsetting.
Upon reaching the Museum, the students were left on their own and the teachers accompanying them did not bother about the student’s safety. The boys from senior classes broke into a fight and things went from bad to worse.
The younger students started crying as they were pushed and pulled in all this rowdiness and some of them fell against the walls and furniture. Overall this trip was a disaster. It was very ill-planned and I have no words about the irresponsibility of the teachers accompanying the students.
It is a miracle that no child was lost or seriously hurt as a result of all this. The parents trusted the school administration when they allowed the kids to go on the school trip and this is not what we expected. Such unprofessionalism and negligence are criminal and must be severely reprimanded. I demand an explanation as to how and why all this happened?
Looking forward to strict and swift action from your side.

Dear Madam Principal
I am {name}’s father who is a student in grade six in your school [name]. I want to share my concerns about student safety due to the incident that happened yesterday at pack-up time. I was a little late in picking up my daughter from school due to some work commitments. When I reached the school half an hour late, my daughter was standing outside the school alone.
I was really upset as I had already called the PRO to inform her that I would be a bit late in picking [name] up and I was reassured that my child would be well taken care of and there would be no issue. When I saw [name] standing outside the school premises I was very really shocked at the carelessness of the school authorities as anything could have happened.
When I went to see the PRO I was informed that she had already left and the duty teacher on inquiry replied very casually that since nothing had happened I was creating a scene for nothing and I should relax. I was not expecting such a casual response as it was her duty to ensure that no student leaves the premises without their guardian and in case of any trouble, she was the one who would be held responsible. This is extremely unprofessional and negligent.
Please look into this incident and investigate the matter fully. The PRO and the duty teacher must be strictly reprimanded for this neglectful attitude. If this issue is not addressed strictly and firmly, it is sure to result in some serious incidents.
Looking forward to swift and stringent action from your side.
Yours Sincerely.